Women's World Banking

Women’s World Banking

Women's World Banking logo

Women's World Banking retained EqualShot to increase visibility for the innovative microfinance strategies used by member organizations throughout the world.

EqualShot provided journalists in the national and international media with timely and topical analysis of microloans as a means to help poor women start new businesses and, consequently, new lives.

EqualShot's efforts resulted in a series of four unprecedented editorials in the New York Times and International Herald Tribune on the role of microfinance as a global economic development tool.



Grameen Bank


While living in Bangladesh and studying microfinance with the Grameen Bank, EqualShot founder Barbara Becker served as executive producer of the documentary "Credit: An Agent of Change," featuring poverty alleviation programs on behalf of Women's World Banking and the International Coalition on Women and Credit.

She also created video profiles of Nepalese and Bangladeshi development programs for the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.

Asian University for Women & Grameen Bank

While living in Bangladesh and studying microfinance with the Grameen Bank, EqualShot founder Barbara Becker served as executive producer of the documentary "Credit: An Agent of Change," featuring poverty alleviation programs on behalf of Women's World Banking and the International Coalition on Women and Credit.

And she created video profiles of Nepalese and Bangladeshi development programs for the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.

Bangladesh is never far from EqualShot's mind. The Asian University for Women Support Foundation (AUW), while planning a world-class institution of higher learning in Bangladesh for Asian women, asked EqualShot to produce an introductory presentation targeting key constituencies.

EqualShot worked with AUW to articulate its mission, strategies, core values and messages. Demonstrating AUW's dedication to preparing talented Asian women for leadership in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres, the presentation was instrumental in helping AUW obtain key funding and partnership support.