Women's Link Worldwide: Gender Justice Uncovered

"Raping a worldly woman is less serious than raping an 18 year old virgin.Judge, Australi


Around the world, judges present themselves as agents who are neutral, apolitical, and independent. However, a comprehensive study by Madrid-based Women's Link Worldwide brought to light many of these judicial myths.

Women's Link proposes a new vision of the courts - one that sees the courts as a political stage - and encourages civil society to strategically engage in a dialogue with the judiciary on how rights can and should be interpreted. But how to approach these seemingly intractable biases?

EqualShot led Women's Link through a strategic planning process which resulted in an innovative way to highlight the role of the judiciary in women's rights. Beginning in 2009, Women's Link has hosted the annual "Gender Justice Uncovered Awards" - giving credit to positive legal decisions in Latin America and Spain, and calling attention to abuses.

Follow this link too learn more about Gender Justice Uncovered and to see a short animation about the award.