In the aftermath of the fall of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi High Tribunal (IHT) was created to prosecute crimes committed by the regime between 1968 and 2003. The Anfal opinion, released on June 24, 2007, held six of the highest officials responsible for the genocidal campaign against Iraqi Kurds.
When the historic decision came down, a legal team from international women's rights organization the Global Justice Center combed through the 900 page document and revealed that the Anfal trail also represented an incredible achievement for women's rights in the region by recognizing rape as a form of both torture and genocide.
At the Global Justice Center’s arrangement, the IHT justices met with members of the U.S. Supreme Court on a subsequent study tour in Washington, DC. EqualShot was on hand to ensure that the work of the Iraqi justices was recognized by the international community.
Follow this link to read the resulting Newsweek interview - a moving account of the work of the Tribunal and its historic position on women.